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ROUND TABLE | (Jointly) Expanding orbits of future festivals

ROUND TABLE | (Jointly) Expanding orbits of future festivals
ROUND TABLE | (Jointly) Expanding orbits of future festivals

Thursday, August 24, 2023
1:15 pm_2:45 pm Montréal time

Les 7 Doigts de la main


(taxes and fees included)

Building upon the Forum’s opening call to action, this roundtable is set to give festival-makers the opportunity to dive deeper into the practical questions of addressing the challenges Future Festivals face.
Designed as an open space for sharing and dialogue, the roundtable kicks off with a lightning discussion between festival makers Cam Scott (Send+Receive), Damián Romero (MUTEK.MX), Kris Voveris (New Forms), and Kaitlyn Davies (Refraction). Moderated by HOLO’s Greg J. Smith, the roundtable then opens the floor to the festival makers and cultural professionals in the room to respond, to question, to share, to brainstorm, and discuss in an exploratory format the future of festivals.

During the event, no transcription or interpreter will be present.

Presented by the Canada Media Fund (CMF) and the National Film Board of Canada (NFB), as part of the Future Festivals initiative.
Philippe Bédard 2023 Tammy Peddle 2023 Alexandro Teodorosco 2023 Antoine Cayrol 2023 Myriam Achard 2023
Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC Philippe BédardCA/QC
Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS Tammy PeddleUS
Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC Alexandre TeodorescoCA/QC
Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR Antoine CayrolFR
Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC Myriam AchardCA/QC