Montréal Québec Canada
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Frequently Asked Questions


What is MUTEK Forum?

MUTEK Forum is the professional component of MUTEK Montréal. It's a platform for networking, exchanging ideas, and discussions about technology, electronic music, and its industry.
Welcome to MUTEK Forum!

What is the difference between MUTEK Forum and the MUTEK Montréal Festival?

MUTEK Forum focuses on the professional and creative aspects of electronic music, while the main festival presents performances and artistic experiences to the general public.

What are the objectives and main themes of MUTEK Forum?

The objectives of MUTEK Forum are to facilitate knowledge sharing, collaborations, and discussions within the electronic music and digital arts domains. Themes covered include innovation, creativity, new technologies, and industry-related challenges.

Who can participate in MUTEK Forum?

MUTEK Forum is open to music industry professionals, artists, researchers, students, and anyone interested in electronic music and digital arts.


How can I access to the Forum?

Tickets are available on our website and our partner platform Weezevent.
Box Office

What types of tickets are available?

We offer full access passports to the Forum, as well as daily passes.

How can I collect my tickets?

If you purchased a passport or a Festival + Forum pass, you can collect your accreditation and badge with a valid ID and your ticket at the Festival's main ticket booth (Tranquille Esplanade - 1442 Clark Street) and at The 7 Fingers (2111 Saint Laurent Boulevard).

Opening hours of the main ticket booth:
  • Monday 21: 4-7 pm
  • Tuesday 22, Wednesday 23, Thursday 24: 1-11 pm
  • Friday 25, Saturday 26: 1-11:30 pm
  • Sunday 27: 1-11 pm

Forum opening hours (Festival + Forum or Forum-only passes):
  • Tuesday 22: 9 am - 5:30 pm
  • Wednesday 23: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Thursday 24: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
  • Friday 25: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
For any ticket-related questions, contact us:


Where can I find the complete MUTEK Forum schedule?

The complete schedule of MUTEK Forum is available on our website.

Who are the speakers?

Find the list on our Speakers page.

What types of activities and sessions are planned during MUTEK Forum?

MUTEK Forum offers a variety of activities such as lectures, panel discussions, artistic presentations, workshops, and networking sessions.

What are the series and themes covered during MUTEK Forum sessions?

MUTEK Forum offers a variety of activities such as lectures, panel discussions, artistic presentations, workshops, and networking sessions.

What are the series and themes covered during MUTEK Forum sessions?
MUTEK Forum offers different series and themes focused on innovation, creativity, new technological trends, music industry challenges, and artistic perspectives.
Thursday: XR SALON, Presented by the Canada Media Fund (CMF)
Discover the programming in our Guide.

Are there networking opportunities at MUTEK Forum?

Yes, MUTEK Forum provides several networking opportunities, including breaks between sessions, special events, and dedicated activities.


Where do the MUTEK Forum activities take place?

MUTEK Forum is held at The 7 Fingers

Address: 2109 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Montreal, QC H2X 2T5

Are the MUTEK Forum venues accessible to people with reduced mobility?

Yes, we strive to make all our venues accessible to people with reduced mobility. Detailed information is available on our website.

Find all accessibility information on The 7 Fingers page.

In which languages do the contents of MUTEK Forum take place?

Most of the content is in English, with the exception of certain activities taking place in French. The details of the languages can be found on our Schedule page.

No translation or sign language interpretation will be available.

The main Forum Room activities in English will be simultaneously transcribed live by the artificial intelligence application (this concerns panels, presentations, Q&A and keynotes) for any attendees who will benefit from this accessibility feature.
Those wishing to access this feature will find the session link at the beginning of each content in the MUTEK Forum application. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accurate transcription.

Can I find online content?

No content will be recorded or broadcast online.

What are the appropriate conduct rules during the Festival? What are MUTEK Montréal's anti-harassment policies?

Zero Tolerance for Harassment: MUTEK does not tolerate any form of harassment, whether verbal, physical, or online. This includes offensive comments, unwanted actions, and any form of intimidation.

Inclusion and Diversity: We celebrate diversity and inclusion. All participants, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, or ability, are welcome!

Reporting and Intervention: If you witness or experience harassment, please immediately inform a staff member. We will take appropriate action to investigate the situation and respond accordingly.

Anonymous Protection: If you choose to report an incident, we will respect your wish for anonymity as much as possible. Your safety and comfort are paramount.


Do the MUTEK Forum venues have Wi-Fi?

Yes, The 7 Fingers has several Wi-Fi networks as well as spaces to take your calls.

Is there a dedicated app for MUTEK Forum?

Yes, a dedicated mobile app for MUTEK Forum is available to allow participants to follow the program, interact, and stay informed.
Download the app

How does the MUTEK Forum app work?

For your first connection to the Swapcard platform, click on the access link provided in the automatic email sent by For all subsequent connections, you can access directly via the Swapcard platform or the mobile app.

How to contact Forum participants?

To contact other Forum participants, you need to have a passport or a daily pass. The platform functions like a social network. Update your profile and send connection requests to participants.

What if I forget my password?

You can reset your password via the login page + link. Enter your email address, then click on Receive a Magic Link. You will receive a password reset link at your email address.

What if I have a question about the virtual platform?

For any questions related to the Swapcard platform, you can consult the available guides here. If you don't find the answer to your question, you can write to, indicating "MUTEK Forum" in the subject of the email. We will strive to respond to you as soon as possible.

App Accessibility

Only Forum ticket or passport holders have access to the app.
Available in two languages: French and English.

Who are MUTEK Montréal's partners?

Find the list of our sponsors on the Partners page.

How can I contact the MUTEK Montréal team for questions or concerns?

For any questions, please contact

How can I stay informed about updates and announcements during the Forum?