May 31, 2023
Over 70 speakers on digital creativity in Montréal
MUTEK Forum announces 2023 Montréal program of over 70 speakers in digital creativity, including top AI experts, XR professionals, festival directors, and climate activists.

July 6, 2023
Confronting the Future of Artificial Intelligence: Conversations with AI Art and Governance Experts
The arrival of general-purpose AI (GPAI) systems, such as ChatGPT or Stable Diffusion, radically accelerated the wide-spread use of these systems across the board. Their applicability to a wide-range of tasks presents a fundamental departure from previous, highly specialized systems.

June 22, 2023
Engaging and Foundational: 8 Workshops to Enhance Your Skills
These activities offer a variety of knowledge and practical skills related to extended reality, gaming, digital marketing, copyright in the digital world and more.